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Our ticketing system: best tool to stay in touch!
New services to help you succeed!


Set 19th Our ticketing system: best tool to stay in touch!

Hello and thank you for your business. We are here to assist you with any request or need that you may have. One of the best way to get in touch with us and submit your service request is to create a ticket in our system. You can open a ticket for anything that you need, like: update a web page update an application Create a ... Llegir més »

Juny 11th New services to help you succeed!

KBFLEX is excited to announce the launch of the following new services: Web Hosting Digital Marketing   Web Hosting We are now able to, not only design your websites, but also host them for you. The quality of our hosting platform is outstanding and definitely one of the best in the market. Our cloud-based infrastructure guarantees 100% ... Llegir més »

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